Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wedding Invitation

Just in case you never got yours in the mail or we didn't have
your address, here's the wedding invitation.

The one we sent out had a little different spacing because we had to make it shorter, but I only have a photoshop version of that right now (so I can't upload it). It's pretty much the same.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Click to enlarge.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving Break!

Christina and I were able to go back to Washington for the break. We spent some time at both of our family's. We actually forgot to take pictures so I got these from my dad and sister.

We arrived Tuesday night and my parent's took us out to dinner to celebrate my recent birthday.

Daysha got to see this Red Robin they had walking around.

I even got some dessert and they surprised me by singing happy birthday

Daysha, Christina, and me playing.

Ready for dinner!

It was a really fun trip!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Health Care—What to Think . . .

I had to read a lot of articles and write a paper on the current U.S. health care system and plans for reform for my Economics class. I also learned about the health care systems of five other countries--England, Japan, Germany, Tawain, and Switzerland. It was very interesting. I want all of your opinions and thoughts on U.S. health care, so make sure to give me your comments.

I'm still not quite sure what the best solution is for health care reform. I definitely think that President Obama and politicians on both sides are trying to look for quick fixes where the American people don't have to change bad habits--something that looks good, but in the long run will be much worse for us. There are so many inefficiencies in the U.S. health care system it's ridiculous. We spend more than any other country and our care is ranked 37th according to a Frontline video made in 2008. That's horrible!

One of the biggest problems is people don't care how much health care costs because the insurance is paying for it. So the health care providers (hospitals, etc) charge outrageous amounts to make large profits and the insurance companies pay for it. They don't really mind because they'll just raise everyone's premiums for next year. In 2005 health care was 14% of GDP (and rising) compared to about 5% in 1965 (see link). Health Savings Accounts seem like a pretty good way to put the money into consumers hands so that they are more conscientious about where the money is going. But I know that's not a solution to everything--and it doesn't work well for people with medical conditions or the elderly.

I also like the idea of universal health care, but the cost without totally revamping the current system would be tremendous (despite what Obama says). Japan has managed to keep mostly private health providers while supplying universal care, but the hospitals are in a lot of debt because of the government regulations of prices.

I think the government needs to help take care of the vast inefficiencies in health care (but the gov't itself is so ineffiecient I don't know how that will work), put money into consumers hands so they care about costs coming down, and learn from what other countries have done to expand coverage to those that don't have it and cut costs.

Comments please.