Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hitler reacts to BYU loss
So the BYU football season turned out to be much less than we were all hoping for. Here's a funny video showing some of the frustrations of the game against Utah.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Snow? In December?
So the weirdest thing happened when I went from Utah to Washington (no, not getting stuck in the airport for 9 hours). There was snow on the ground when I left Utah and it was still on the ground when I got to Washington. Not only that, but it kept snowing, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Everyone in the Pacific Northwest is very surprised. They get snow up in the mountains, but not here at sea level--maybe twice a year, but not a lot either. I haven't had a White Christmas that I can recall. Maybe it will stick around a few more days.
That's my home.

The forest behind my house.

That's my home.
The forest behind my house.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sister Hall's Christmas Present
Every year the members of the Men's Chorus contribute $5-10 each in order to get a Christmas present for our conductor, Sister Hall. The last several years instead of getting something for her, we have tried to do something for others. Two years ago I had an amazing experience when we did a Sub-for-Santa for nine kids in a foster home. We raised the money, bought gifts and a tree, drove out to Sandy to deliver it all and sing for them at their doorstep. We did this all without her knowing and then presented her with the DVD of it at the end of the semester. One of the top ten experiences of my life.
This year was another incredibly uplifting experience. Sister Hall's father still lives in Wales and hasn't been to the U.S. in over ten years. His health is getting worse and it's pretty hard for him to get out here. I don't know whose idea it was, but the Men's Chorus bought a plane ticket for him to fly over here for Christmas. (We had the help of Sister Hall's husband and family to make this happen logistically.) We've been sending e-mails to each other and planning it for months without her knowing.
Then on Thursday, December 4 we were down in the Marriott Center practicing for Christmas Around the World. At the end we handed her a sweet little card with all of our signatures and the signature of her father. This whole time her dad was sneaking up behind her as she read the card aloud, already starting to get emotional without even knowing the biggest surprise. We asked her to turn around and she gasped. She quickly embraced him as we all applauded. It was a beautiful thing to witness. He was able to attend the Christmas Around the World concert one night and Celebration of Christmas the other. She has told us repeatedly that it's always been one of her biggest dreams to have her father there to see her do what she loves so much.
To finish it off, after our MTC devotional on Sunday, December 14, we all met in a room as we usually do to say goodbye and have a little snack. With her dad there we sang a song we had been learning without her knowing called, My Little Welsh Home. What a great way to bring in the Christmas spirit.
This year was another incredibly uplifting experience. Sister Hall's father still lives in Wales and hasn't been to the U.S. in over ten years. His health is getting worse and it's pretty hard for him to get out here. I don't know whose idea it was, but the Men's Chorus bought a plane ticket for him to fly over here for Christmas. (We had the help of Sister Hall's husband and family to make this happen logistically.) We've been sending e-mails to each other and planning it for months without her knowing.
Then on Thursday, December 4 we were down in the Marriott Center practicing for Christmas Around the World. At the end we handed her a sweet little card with all of our signatures and the signature of her father. This whole time her dad was sneaking up behind her as she read the card aloud, already starting to get emotional without even knowing the biggest surprise. We asked her to turn around and she gasped. She quickly embraced him as we all applauded. It was a beautiful thing to witness. He was able to attend the Christmas Around the World concert one night and Celebration of Christmas the other. She has told us repeatedly that it's always been one of her biggest dreams to have her father there to see her do what she loves so much.
To finish it off, after our MTC devotional on Sunday, December 14, we all met in a room as we usually do to say goodbye and have a little snack. With her dad there we sang a song we had been learning without her knowing called, My Little Welsh Home. What a great way to bring in the Christmas spirit.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Piano in the Wilk
You should only be allowed to play the piano in the Wilkinson Center terrace if you are good and have some music prepared to play. Just a thought I had the last few days as I've heard multiple people playing it. I'm not saying I would be able to play. If I did, I would need to practice a bunch beforehand.
That piano should have the feel more like Nordstrom rather than your own private piano.
That piano should have the feel more like Nordstrom rather than your own private piano.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Kevin's Wedding
For those who have not yet seen on the pictures from Kevin's Wedding on Facebook.
I think this is my favorite one. Jeff jumped in when I was about to take the picture.
Most people have heard of this picture by now. Nathan bet Jeff $10 he wouldn't go stand in the big family picture of some random wedding party (aka, we don't know them). After a little egging on from myself and Nathan, he stepped up right in the thick of it. It was hilarious. We tried not to laugh too much and give ourselves away.
The beloved roommates. Who knew five years after meeting freshman year we would all still be so close. He has a new roommate now and we're happy for them.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A short trailer for the new Pixar movie coming out in Spring is available for viewing.
Anyone that knows me know that I love Pixar and will be very excited to see this movie. I own almost all of the Pixar movies (I don't have Wall-E or A Bug's Life). I am really excited for this movie, but I was not impressed by the trailer. In fact, I've felt that way about a lot of Pixar's trailers. I became a die hard fan of Pixar after seeing Monster's, Inc. But the trailer actually turned me off. I didn't think it looked very good at all. The only reason I went was because a few weeks after it had come out a friend highly recommended it. I felt the same way about the trailers for Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, and Wall-E.
I know that this is just the teaser trailer and a new one will be coming out soon. I'm just wondering since they make such amazing movies why can't the trailers portray that more. I'm gonna see Up because I love Pixar, but if it were just from seeing that trailer, I probably wouldn't.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
President-Elect Barack Obama
My last post stated reasons why conservatives or moderates should not vote for Barack Obama. The elections are now over. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States through the tried and proven system of this great country. The one that was fought so hard for by the hands of our founding fathers over 200 years ago and has been the model for so many other countries. As American citizens we do not need to agree with the President on issues, but we do need to stand behind him and give him whatever support we can. I'll will pray for him as I would any other leader with so much responsibility on his shoulders. The ENTIRE world is now looking to him. That is a lot of pressure.
John McCain showed true class in his concession speech. He said, "I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him but offering our next president our goodwill and earnest effort to find ways to come together.
"Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans."
John McCain showed true class in his concession speech. He said, "I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him but offering our next president our goodwill and earnest effort to find ways to come together.
"Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans."
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
To all moderates and conservatives
If you are conservative then there is no reason to justify voting for Barack Obama. His record clearly shows he is one of the most liberal members in Congress. In the General Election he has tried to lean towards the middle--but failed. In his economic policy he wants to "spread the wealth," a very socialistic idea. Aside from that his economic plan doesn't help that many middle class workers like he claims it does. McCain and Obama differ significantly on spending too. Obama wants to increase spending while "lowering taxes" for some and raising them for others. In my mind there is no way we can increase government spending in the state the economy is in right now. McCain on the other hand wants to significantly decrease government spending and not raise taxes. In 2001 one he voted against making the Bush tax cuts permanent because there was no decrease in spending to balance out. He now wants these tax cuts permanent while decreasing spending.
McCain is not afraid to step across party lines. This has angered conservatives sometimes. The country now more than ever needs someone that will be willing to listen to and work with both sides. If Obama is elected there will be a Democrat majority in the House, Senate, and the White House--giving him even less reason to work with conservatives. He also has very little record of stepping across party lines. Why would he change now?
The last point that most people don't think about is the appointments to the Supreme Court. There will most likely be one or two appointments during the next Presidency, If Obama were elected this could shift the courts to a majority liberal also. So conservatives wouldn't have much of a voice anywhere.
I believe that there will be change no matter who is elected. But think about what kind of change you want.
Here is a good article.
McCain is not afraid to step across party lines. This has angered conservatives sometimes. The country now more than ever needs someone that will be willing to listen to and work with both sides. If Obama is elected there will be a Democrat majority in the House, Senate, and the White House--giving him even less reason to work with conservatives. He also has very little record of stepping across party lines. Why would he change now?
The last point that most people don't think about is the appointments to the Supreme Court. There will most likely be one or two appointments during the next Presidency, If Obama were elected this could shift the courts to a majority liberal also. So conservatives wouldn't have much of a voice anywhere.
I believe that there will be change no matter who is elected. But think about what kind of change you want.
Here is a good article.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Children's Books That Never Made the Cut
Some people might be offended by this, but I find it pretty funny. So if you get offended by the first few, don't keep reading. I got it off my friends' website, There's lots of funny stuff there.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Politics - a few thoughts
A few thoughts about politics as I start to fill out my ballot.
-It kind of stinks that Washington state is "guaranteed" to Obama so it makes me feel like my vote doesn't count much. I wish I lived in Florida, Virginia, or Ohio. Despite this I still think we should all take the time to vote. Even if you're from Utah.
-I'm not as scared of having Obama as the president as I am of having democratic majorities in the House, Senate, and the White House. We need those checks and balances.
-McCain didn't make the best choice with Sarah Palin. And it's not just cause I think Mitt Romney would have helped tremendously in this financial crisis. (Yes, he would have had some cons--his and McCain's battles during the primaries would have been used against them.) Sarah Palin helped unite the base, but at what cost?
-It's not over even though the left leaning media would have you believe that. But McCain definitely needs some boosts--especially in key states.
-Colin Powell, what are you thinking? You don't want two conservative judges in the Supreme Court? How did you go from conservative to liberal supporter?
-McCain was hilarious at the Al Smith dinner. I didn't know he could be so funny. Sure he had writers, but he delivered it very well. On the other hand, Obama had a few good lines but he came off to me as pretentious more than anything.
-It kind of stinks that Washington state is "guaranteed" to Obama so it makes me feel like my vote doesn't count much. I wish I lived in Florida, Virginia, or Ohio. Despite this I still think we should all take the time to vote. Even if you're from Utah.
-I'm not as scared of having Obama as the president as I am of having democratic majorities in the House, Senate, and the White House. We need those checks and balances.
-McCain didn't make the best choice with Sarah Palin. And it's not just cause I think Mitt Romney would have helped tremendously in this financial crisis. (Yes, he would have had some cons--his and McCain's battles during the primaries would have been used against them.) Sarah Palin helped unite the base, but at what cost?
-It's not over even though the left leaning media would have you believe that. But McCain definitely needs some boosts--especially in key states.
-Colin Powell, what are you thinking? You don't want two conservative judges in the Supreme Court? How did you go from conservative to liberal supporter?
-McCain was hilarious at the Al Smith dinner. I didn't know he could be so funny. Sure he had writers, but he delivered it very well. On the other hand, Obama had a few good lines but he came off to me as pretentious more than anything.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Can't Get Enough
I find myself looking at,,, and for any article I can find talking about the BYU football team and their chances for going big this year. The beginning of the year I thought it a little arrogant to make a shirt called "The Quest" (for perfection). If we lose one game that shirt becomes useless. I still wouldn't by one of them, but I am loving the season so far. The UW game was a big scare, but exciting nonetheless. And these last two games have been so much fun to be at (I'm sure the UCLA and Wyoming fans can't say the same thing).
I love finally getting some recognition--and not just BYU, but the whole Mountain West Conference. Every time one of the them wins I'm happy. I wanted TCU to upset Oklahoma so bad last Saturday. I hope Utah continues to win (until the BIG game). And this year it will be huge. Right now BYU is ranked 7th (Coaches Poll) and Utah is 15th. The last two years this game has been big and both teams weren't ranked.
I can't wait till the game this Friday night! (Even though it's only against Utah State).
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Life has been busy lately. A few things going on this last week . . .
Various assignments and readings due in classes (luckily no big projects)
Pre-interview dinner with Ernst & Young
Interview with Ernst & Young
Baritone sectionals Wednesday evening
Tennis when I found the time
Social with Deloitte at Sundance
Interview with Deloitte
Retreat to Aspen Grove with Men's Chorus
On deck for next week
BYU football game vs. Wyoming
World of Dance tonight
Choir practice
BYU Combined Choir Devotional
Intramural volleyball games
Intramural tennis game
Choral Showcase Thursday and Friday night
Interview with KPMG
Various assignments due next week
Various assignments and readings due in classes (luckily no big projects)
Pre-interview dinner with Ernst & Young
Interview with Ernst & Young
Baritone sectionals Wednesday evening
Tennis when I found the time
Social with Deloitte at Sundance
Interview with Deloitte
Retreat to Aspen Grove with Men's Chorus
On deck for next week
BYU football game vs. Wyoming
World of Dance tonight
Choir practice
BYU Combined Choir Devotional
Intramural volleyball games
Intramural tennis game
Choral Showcase Thursday and Friday night
Interview with KPMG
Various assignments due next week
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Why Obama Can't Close the Sale
I couldn't have said it better. Everyone should read this article whether you agree or disagree, and I'd love to hear your comments.
Why Obama Can't Close the Sale
Why Obama Can't Close the Sale
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
1 or fewer? Am I not a complete person?
I saw this on Becky's site and had to do it on mine, especially with that number. This is how many people have the name Jordan Hochstrasser in the U.S.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Les Misérables
Today I finished reading one of the greatest stories ever written. It took me over half a year to do (including 5 1/2 months during school when I didn't even pick it up). But when I picked it back up I could easily remember what I had already read.
Why was Les Miserables so great? The characters, especially that of Jean Valjean, are so intricate. He goes through an amazing transformation because of the charitable, hope-filled act of one kind soul. This changes his whole attitude and perspective on life. But he still has many choices to make, and things never come easy. There were times when I hoped, but didn't know what he would do. Then there is the determined Javert that seems the embodiment of the letter of the law.
If you have not read this book, read it! I did shed a few tears near the end. I'm not afraid to admit it. I don't know if I've ever had a book draw me in like this. I'll share two of my favorite lines from the last part:
"God knows better than we do what we need."
"It is nothing to die; it is frightful not to live."
Why was Les Miserables so great? The characters, especially that of Jean Valjean, are so intricate. He goes through an amazing transformation because of the charitable, hope-filled act of one kind soul. This changes his whole attitude and perspective on life. But he still has many choices to make, and things never come easy. There were times when I hoped, but didn't know what he would do. Then there is the determined Javert that seems the embodiment of the letter of the law.
If you have not read this book, read it! I did shed a few tears near the end. I'm not afraid to admit it. I don't know if I've ever had a book draw me in like this. I'll share two of my favorite lines from the last part:
"God knows better than we do what we need."
"It is nothing to die; it is frightful not to live."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Zion Narrows
This weekend I went to St. George and Zion National Park with my roommates Bwood and Kevin, and Kevin's girlfriend Aubrey. It was pretty spontaneous as far as road trips go. Kevin and I had been talking about going to Southern Utah all summer, and we finally decided less than a week before that we should do it. The Narrows was pretty much amazing. For those who have never been, it's a hike pretty much through a shallow river in a canyon. There were gorgeous views all around us. We didn't get to go too far because of time constraints. Pretty much all it did was make me more excited to come back some other time. I want to go back and do the entire hike from top to bottom.
Bwood took most of the pictures, so be looking for those on Facebook sometime next week.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My friend Lauren and I organized a mixed doubles tennis tournament for our apartment complex and any friends that would like to participate. It was a lot of fun! Here's some pictures from the championship game, including the best dressed preppy outfit contest. (Keep reading though, cause that's not the main point of this post.)

Anyway, that's all kind of old news. My main reason for writing this post is to say, I want to play tennis pretty much everyday now. I have time. I'm just working and not taking classes. My thirst for it seems unquenchable. I think about it all the time. Greg Skidmore wants to play a lot too, but he's coming up on finals, so it won't be possible. So if anyone has a desire to just go and play tennis, call me up and I will be there. Even with short notice.
Anyway, that's all kind of old news. My main reason for writing this post is to say, I want to play tennis pretty much everyday now. I have time. I'm just working and not taking classes. My thirst for it seems unquenchable. I think about it all the time. Greg Skidmore wants to play a lot too, but he's coming up on finals, so it won't be possible. So if anyone has a desire to just go and play tennis, call me up and I will be there. Even with short notice.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Free Music
I remember the days of Napster when we all lived in ignorant bliss. Any music you wanted for free. Those were the days. But honestly with the websites around nowadays you can still listen to just about any song you want for free (legally too). You just can't download it. Most people already know about Pandora. Pandora has created the music genome project where you can create stations based on any artist or song, then it will continue to play music similar to that. You can customize each station by adding new artists or saying whether you like a song or not. That's usually what I listen to at work. I like the variety. And it has introduced me to some great new music I wouldn't have listened to otherwise. I am now up to 22 stations on Pandora. Oh, and to get rid of the annoying advertisements just use Firefox and download the ad-block plus add-on.
Two other sites let you look up any song you want to listen to. The first is Project Playlist. I used this one for awhile. Lately though, I have been going to This site searches all audio files, and video files if you want. It has a sleeker feel than Project Playlist, you can fast forward/rewind songs, search without interrupting the current song playing, and easily create a list of songs to listen to. Check them out and have fun!
Two other sites let you look up any song you want to listen to. The first is Project Playlist. I used this one for awhile. Lately though, I have been going to This site searches all audio files, and video files if you want. It has a sleeker feel than Project Playlist, you can fast forward/rewind songs, search without interrupting the current song playing, and easily create a list of songs to listen to. Check them out and have fun!
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Sweet Reunion
After two years of being home (my two year mark was the 12th of July), I had my first reunion with my mission president, President Geschwandtner, Saturday evening. This is especially rare, since he lives in Brazil. He has been released for about a year and came up to see his new granddaughter that lives here in the United States.
This man (along with his sweet wife) has been one of the biggest influences in my life. For two years he was a leader that cared about me and about the work I was doing. He gave me advice for missionary work and showed me by example how to live my life. The meeting we had on Saturday evening reminded me so much of the time spent in the mission field. As time goes on, I forget how amazing those two years are. I love life now too, but those two years hand you life's joys and trials in a concentrated dose. I hope I'll be able to come the next time he makes it back to the United States.
The picture is a little blurry. Hopefully he can send me a copy of the one he took with his camera.

Some of my buddies.
This man (along with his sweet wife) has been one of the biggest influences in my life. For two years he was a leader that cared about me and about the work I was doing. He gave me advice for missionary work and showed me by example how to live my life. The meeting we had on Saturday evening reminded me so much of the time spent in the mission field. As time goes on, I forget how amazing those two years are. I love life now too, but those two years hand you life's joys and trials in a concentrated dose. I hope I'll be able to come the next time he makes it back to the United States.
The picture is a little blurry. Hopefully he can send me a copy of the one he took with his camera.
Some of my buddies.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Firefighter Fourth
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I just got back from my sister's wedding in Washington. The whole family was gathered together. For the longest time I only had nephews (five of them), so I could always just tell people, "I have five nephews." Now that I have a niece I have to say, "I have five nephews and one niece." Look how much extra effort that takes! I really wish there was a word that could be all-encompassing, to let people know I have six _____ total. Then if I wanted to go into more detail, I could. My lame attempt at a new word for that is nephieces. Any better words? If we get a good one maybe we can convince Webster's to put it in their next edition.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
I can now die happy.

Okay, that's a little exaggerated, but WALL-E was really good.
If you don't remember, Pixar always plays a short (film) before the feature length film. The one before WALL-E was hilarious! That's all I will mention about that.
Who knew that a movie with so little dialogue (the two main characters don't really say anything other than each other's names) could be so good. WALL-E is one fun little guy. From the beginning you'll like him. Then comes EVE, the robot he gets a crush on. It's such a cute little love story.
This movie was unlike anything I've seen before. I'm not saying it's my favorite movie ever or life-changing, but it's just different from anything else. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it. Just go and see for yourself. It's Pixar, you won't be disappointed. It lived up to my expectations--which were really high.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
After all of spring term of not writing in my journal (and I really should have written about finishing the Jr. Core) I decided it's time to finally switch to keeping my journal on my computer. I'm following suit of many people. It honestly is easier and I'm on my computer all of the time. I had already started a short "what I'm thankful for" list that I try to write in on a daily basis (key word is try).
So far the computer journal is working well. I'm writing a whole lot more. And I feel like I'm writing a narrative (it's kind of fun). It loses a little bit of the personal touch by not writing it by hand, but for me, the benefits outweigh that one downside. The most important thing is that it gets done.
So far the computer journal is working well. I'm writing a whole lot more. And I feel like I'm writing a narrative (it's kind of fun). It loses a little bit of the personal touch by not writing it by hand, but for me, the benefits outweigh that one downside. The most important thing is that it gets done.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vote for my sister Mikaela's birthday cake she made for my nephew's birthday! It'll take two seconds and my nephew could win some cool prize (or their whole family). Go to and vote for the dragon. The cake made it to the final three! Vote again!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am so excited for this movie to come out! I hate to say this but I was a little skeptical when I saw the first trailer. (I know! That's ridiculous, after how much quality entertainment Pixar has continuously created! What was I thinking!) My friends know that last year I was really excited to see Ratatouille and I counted down for months. The excitement has returned. It's getting so close to June 27.
I watched the full trailer again and saw how good this movie really can be. Yeah, the robots don't really talk. So? There were some small things that I laughed out loud at which I hadn't noticed earlier. If anyone needs convincing of the genius of Pixar, come talk with me. I will certainly be there opening night.
Watch the trailer, WALL-E
Thursday, May 22, 2008
American Idol - David vs. David
This year was my first time watching snippets of American Idol since Clay and Ruben back in Season 2. Most people that know me know I was rooting for David Archuleta. I mean, he's got an amazing voice, he's so innocent, and he's representin' (he's Mormon!). A very likeable guy. I was taking a test and couldn't watch the finale, but I caught parts of it on youtube (like I usually did throughout the season rather than watch it on TV). It wasn't hard to believe that David Cook won, but that it was by so much. I thought for sure it would be close.
In my opinion David Cook is a great musician. He's better at taking a song and making it his own. But David Archuleta has incredible talent and did better on every song the previous night. And I like listening to him better. But I guess David Cook has the bigger appeal to those that watch the show. Oh well, I hope David Archuleta still has success. No matter what, I liked both of the musicians and agree with Simon Cowell that either one of them had the talent to be the winner.
In my opinion David Cook is a great musician. He's better at taking a song and making it his own. But David Archuleta has incredible talent and did better on every song the previous night. And I like listening to him better. But I guess David Cook has the bigger appeal to those that watch the show. Oh well, I hope David Archuleta still has success. No matter what, I liked both of the musicians and agree with Simon Cowell that either one of them had the talent to be the winner.
Monday, May 19, 2008
3 Days to Eternity
Most everyone I know has already seen this, but in case you want to watch it again! This is the FHE video that my apartment made for our ward movie night.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Numerous blessings
Monday morning I woke up early to work on homework before my 8am class. After a go at it I decided to distract myself by looking at the latest news on Two major headlines hit me hard. The first one I saw referred to the earthquake in China and said "Death toll to 9,000. " The second referred to the cyclones of last week, "Burma deaths 'could top a million.'" The worst part for me wasn't the natural disasters, but that the Burmese government wasn't allowing a lot of aid into the country. The majority of the deaths could have been prevented with aid, but the government's slow reaction insured disease would take a stronger toll on those within the cyclone's destructive path.
Upon seeing these headlines tears unexpectedly welled up in my eyes and I quickly got down on my knees to thank the Lord for the countless blessings I have. (My calculus exam I had been stressing about suddenly seemed so insignificant). I also prayed with more fervor than I remember ever doing that those who may be suffering may be comforted and helped.
I hope that I can maintain with me the perspective that I gained that morning. I know that I have more blessings than I deserve. I should always be grateful for them and do whatever I can, through prayer and through actions, to help those in need.
Also look at Elder Ballard's talk, "The Joy of Hope Fulfilled."
Upon seeing these headlines tears unexpectedly welled up in my eyes and I quickly got down on my knees to thank the Lord for the countless blessings I have. (My calculus exam I had been stressing about suddenly seemed so insignificant). I also prayed with more fervor than I remember ever doing that those who may be suffering may be comforted and helped.
I hope that I can maintain with me the perspective that I gained that morning. I know that I have more blessings than I deserve. I should always be grateful for them and do whatever I can, through prayer and through actions, to help those in need.
"Perilous times? Yes. These are perilous times. But the human race has lived in peril from the time before the earth was created. Somehow, through all of the darkness, there has been a faint but beautiful light. And now with added luster it shines upon the world. It carries with it God’s plan of happiness for His children. It carries with it the great and unfathomable wonders of the Atonement of the Redeemer."
-President Gordon B. Hinckley
Also look at Elder Ballard's talk, "The Joy of Hope Fulfilled."
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A better way to waste time.
So I created a blog. I figure I already waste time, so why not share that with others. Plus friends such as Jeff and my sister, Mikaela, have blogs. I want to be a part of it. And lastly, I have some things on my mind recently that I'd like to write about. There you have it.
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