For those who have not yet seen on the pictures from Kevin's Wedding on Facebook.

I think this is my favorite one. Jeff jumped in when I was about to take the picture.

Most people have heard of this picture by now. Nathan bet Jeff $10 he wouldn't go stand in the big family picture of some random wedding party (aka, we don't know them). After a little egging on from myself and Nathan, he stepped up right in the thick of it. It was hilarious. We tried not to laugh too much and give ourselves away.

The beloved roommates. Who knew five years after meeting freshman year we would all still be so close. He has a new roommate now and we're happy for them.
That Jeff guy cracks me up. He has a smile that can make anyone smile!
I was laughing so hard to see Jeff in that other picture! So hilarious!! How are you doing Jordan?
One of the best days of my adult life
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